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We are here to help you enrich your gaming experience.
Here you will find news, reviews and other informative articles about video game accessories, add-ons, and controllers.

Play with a PS4 on a Computer Monitor
Want to play with your PS4 but don´t have a TV handy? Try connecting it to a monitor!
Sep 20, 20224 min read

Can you improve your aim with a long thumbstick?
Have you been looking for some sort of way to improve your aim when playing on your Playstation or Xbox?
Dec 12, 20213 min read

Do ps4 fightsticks work on the ps5?
Will your old Playstation 4 stick still work on the Playstation 5? Yes, as long as it´s officially licensed by Sony.
Sep 12, 20212 min read

How to play with motion controls on a PC
Can you use motion controls to play games on your computer? Well, yes, you can. You need a controller with a gyro and to know how to use it.
Aug 30, 20214 min read

How to make your gaming mic sound better
Does your voice sound awful when talking online with friends?We have some tricks you can try to improve the audio quality of your microphone
Jun 22, 20215 min read

Can you use a mouse and keyboard on the PS5?
Can you use your mouse and keyboard to play games on the PS5? Yes, you can, although you will find that not all games are compatible.
Apr 14, 20214 min read

Everything you need to know about haptic feedback
Haptic feedback is a term that has been thrown around a lot recently. So... What is Haptic Feedback?
Mar 31, 20216 min read

What´s the difference between the Move and the new PSVR controller?
Sony had announced their new VR controller for their upgrade to the PS VR. What exactly is the difference between Move and this controller?
Mar 22, 20213 min read

How do I know if an android game supports my ps4 controller?
How can you know which games on the PlayStore will work with your ps4 controller? By reading this post!
Mar 19, 20213 min read

Does the Dualsense have a problem with its triggers?
Many users across the web report that their Dualsense triggers are breaking, or not responding as well as they used to. Can you fix it?
Jan 12, 20212 min read

Is the PS5 compatible with external memory drives?
The Playstation 5 has an internal memory of 825 GB, of which some 667 GB are actually usable. Can you increase that memory?
Dec 28, 20203 min read

What headsets work with the new Playstation 5?
Are you curious if your old headset will work on the PS5? Do you want to know which headphones are available?
Dec 14, 20203 min read

Can I use my old controllers in this next generation of consoles?
Do you need to buy a new wheel,joystick, or arcade stick for the new generation of consoles?
Dec 8, 20203 min read

Can you use the DualSense on PC and other consoles?
Learn on what consoles can you use the brande new Dualsense gamepad for the PS5.
Nov 20, 20204 min read

Can I play on the PS5 with my PS4 controller?
Can you keep using your old ps4 controller on this new generation? What about other accessories?
Oct 31, 20203 min read

Which PS4 games have gyro controls?
There are precious little games on the PS4 that offer motion controls and gyro aiming, we tell you which ones do!
Jul 6, 20205 min read

How to connect a ps4 controller to an iphone
Want to play games on your iOS device with your ps4 controller? We tell you how to connect ps4 controller to iphone.
Apr 29, 20204 min read

How to play VR games on PC with your Playstation VR (Infographic)
The PlayStation 4 has it´s own VR headset which lets you play VR games on the console, but can you use it on PC to play on Steam games?
Apr 23, 20203 min read

5 great PS4 accessories under 15 dollars
To improve your experience with the Playstation 4, we will show you the five best Playstation 4 accessories under fifteen dollars.
Mar 10, 20203 min read

Can you use PS4 controllers on the Xbox One?
Can you connect your PS 4 controller to your Xbox One? Normally no, but we tell you of a way to do so.
Mar 3, 20203 min read
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