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We are here to help you enrich your gaming experience.
Here you will find news, reviews and other informative articles about video game accessories, add-ons, and controllers.

How to fix input lag on your Nintendo Switch.
Ever felt like the game was slightly delayed? Learn how to fix input lag on your Nintendo Switch.
Sep 28, 20205 min read

Which PS4 games have gyro controls?
There are precious little games on the PS4 that offer motion controls and gyro aiming, we tell you which ones do!
Jul 6, 20205 min read

How to connect the Elite controller to your PC
There are a few ways to connect your Elite controller to a computer depending on the version you have.
Jun 21, 20204 min read

What to do if the thumb grip comes off your Joy-con
How can you prevent damage to your Joy-Con thumb grip and what can you do to fix it?
Jun 7, 20204 min read

Do the Index controllers work for other VR headsets?
Can you use the signature controllers of the Index on other VR headsets? Which ones?
May 13, 20204 min read

What is an MFi controller?
You might have noticed that a lot of gamepads are "Mfi controllers", this stands for "made for iPhone", but what does that mean?
May 2, 20203 min read

How to connect a ps4 controller to an iphone
Want to play games on your iOS device with your ps4 controller? We tell you how to connect ps4 controller to iphone.
Apr 29, 20204 min read

Great gaming alternatives to the mouse and keyboard
Not all people like to play games with mouse and keyboard, so are there any alternatives to the classic PC combo? Yes, quite a few in fact.
Apr 10, 20205 min read

How to deal with wrist pain from PC gaming
Too much gaming can place strain on your muscles and cause pain. Why does this happen and how can you prevent it?
Mar 21, 20207 min read

How to use any gamepad on an Android phone (Infographic)
Do you want to play games on the go on your Android phone, but can´t stand the controls? Pair a controller to it! We show you how.
Mar 18, 20204 min read

Can I use an Android as a controller for PC?
Did you know that you can turn your phone into a gamepad to play on PC? Learn how!
Mar 14, 20204 min read

Can you use PS4 controllers on the Xbox One?
Can you connect your PS 4 controller to your Xbox One? Normally no, but we tell you of a way to do so.
Mar 3, 20203 min read

Which Switch games have Gyro Aiming?
Are there many games on the Nintendo Switch that use gyro aiming? Yes, about forty-five. Find out which games here!
Mar 1, 20205 min read

What are gyro controls?
You might have heard a lot about gyroscopes and gyro controls, but, what are they exactly?
Feb 27, 20204 min read

How to connect a PS4 controller to PC (Infographic)
We teach you how to connect and play with the PS4 controller on your PC with an easy to read flowchart.
Feb 25, 20203 min read

How to Charge a Joy-Con Without a Switch or a Dock
The Joy-con is the default controller of the Nintendo Switch, but what´s their battery life like when they are disconnected from the Switch?
Feb 19, 20203 min read

How to use GameCube controllers on PC and the Switch
How can you play with a Gamecube Controller if they are no longer being sold? We tell you of each alternative controller out there.
Feb 6, 20208 min read

PowerA has a good alternative to the GameCube controller for the PC and Switch
Power A released a wired imitation that works on PC and Switch. It is a good, if a bit fragile, gamepad that will scratch your Gamecube itch
Feb 2, 20205 min read

Can you use wired headphones with a Pro Controller?
The Switch has an audio jack, but it´s controllers do not. However, there is a workaround to use wired headsets with a Pro Controller.
Jan 21, 20206 min read

The N30 is a good entry point into fight sticks
Is there a cheap and more newbie friendly arcade stick for the Switch and the PC?
Yes, the N30. Let´s find out why it is a good controller.
Jan 19, 20205 min read
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